Hong Kong residents compete to name twin panda cubs

HONG KONG (AP) - Panda craze has once again gripped Hong Kong as residents compete to name the territory's first locally-born giant panda cubs who just turned six months old.

Beluga calf in Chicago will soon be named

CHICAGO (AP) - Charlie Jacobsma slapped the surface of a pool enclosure at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium and scanned the water for movement.

Scientists solve the mystery of sea turtles' 'lost years'

WASHINGTON (AP) - Using satellite trackers, scientists have discovered the whereabouts of young sea turtles during a key part of their lives.

India doubles its tiger population in past decade

BENGALURU, India (AP) - India doubled its tiger population in a little over a decade by protecting the big cats from poaching and habitat loss, ensuring they have enough prey, reducing human-wildlife conflict, and increasing communities' living standards near tiger areas, a study published Thursday found.

13,000 salmon donated to food bank- but the fish were still alive

AUBURN, N.Y. (AP) - A New York food bank was offered a huge donation of fresh fish this month - but it came with a catch.

Devotees pay homage to Afro-Brazilian sea goddess

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - Thousands of worshippers clad in white robes spilled onto Arpoador beach in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday to pay homage to Yemanja, the Afro-Brazilian sea goddess.

Woman with pig organ thriving after 2 months

An Alabama woman passed a major milestone Saturday to become the longest living recipient of a pig organ transplant - healthy and full of energy with her new kidney for 61 days and counting.

Thousands of endangered tortoises rescued in Madagascar

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) - A community in southern Madagascar has pulled together to save thousands of critically endangered tortoises swept away from their sanctuary and left swimming for their lives in floods this month caused by a tropical cyclone.