KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - Uganda discharged on Tuesday the last eight patients who recovered from Ebola, health authorities reported, and there were no other positive cases in the outbreak declared last month.
Uganda discharges the last Ebola patients. No new deaths from the contagious virus reported
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - Uganda discharged on Tuesday the last eight patients who recovered from Ebola, health authorities reported, and there were no other positive cases in the outbreak declared last month.
World Health Organization described the recoveries as a milestone that "reflects the power of Uganda's quick and coordinated response."
Most of the Ebola patients were treated at the main referral facility in the Ugandan capital, Kampala.
The lone Ebola victim was a male nurse who died the day before the outbreak was declared in Kampala on Jan. 30. His relatives are among those later hospitalized with Ebola.