The S&P 500 fell 1.7% Friday. Broadcom, Nvidia and other tech companies led the market lower as worries continue that prices soared too high in the boom around artificial intelligence. That dragged the Nasdaq composite down 2.6%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1%.
Rout on Wall Street as market has worst week in 18 months
Another rout hit Wall Street, leaving the market with its worst week in 18 months, after a jobs report billed as the most important of the year came in weak enough to keep worries high about the economy.
The S&P 500 fell 1.7% Friday. Broadcom, Nvidia and other tech companies led the market lower as worries continue that prices soared too high in the boom around artificial intelligence. That dragged the Nasdaq composite down 2.6%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1%.
Treasury yields tumbled, recovered and then fell again after the jobs report showed employers hired fewer workers in August than expected.
On Friday: