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European parliamentary elections

June 7-13, 2024

24 June 2024
By The Associated Press
24 June 2024

June 7-13, 2024

Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima and nine other people were killed in a plane crash. Voters across the European Union went to the polls for the European parliamentary elections to choose their representatives for the next five-year term. The crater of a volcano near Grindavik, Iceland, continued to erupt.

In sports, cities and towns across Europe made preparations for the start of the Euro 2024 Soccer Championship and Paris organizers mounted the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower to mark 50 days until the start of the Summer Games.

This gallery highlights some of the most compelling images made or published in the past week by Associated Press photographers in Europe and Africa.

The selection was curated by chief photographer Markus Schreiber in Berlin.


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