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Top diplomats discuss Syria's transition

AQABA, Jordan (AP) - Top diplomats from the United States, the Arab League and Turkey are meeting in Jordan to discuss plans and goals to assist Syria's transition from the deposed government of Bashar Assad.

Who was in ousted Syrian President's inner circle?

BEIRUT (AP) - After insurgents toppled Syrian President Bashar Assad this month, many senior officials and members of his dreaded intelligence and security services appear to have melted away. Activists say some of them have managed to flee the country while others went to hide in their hometowns.

Ukrainian drones strike Russia

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) - Ukrainian drone strikes on southern Russia killed a 9-year-old boy and set fire to a major oil terminal, officials said Saturday, the day after Moscow launched a massive aerial attack on its neighbor that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said was one of the heaviest bombardments of the country's energy sector since Russia's full-scale invasion almost three years ago.